18 Jun Do I need to apply for building notice for a new roof?
If you are re-roofing, you may have to apply for building notice. The rule is that when more than 25% of a roof is to be removed and replaced, you must upgrade your insulation to the current Government regulations.
This requires building notice. This rule was enforced from 1st October 2010. This building notice must be applied for at least 48-hours before work is carried out. Below, you will find more information about Building Regulations approval.
Why does this rule exist?
This rule exists because the government wants to reduce emissions and one of the most effective ways of doing so is with proper roof insulation. The rule ensures that all re-roofing carried out has minimum levels of insulation, which is currently 270mm. Lastly, this rule has widened the local council’s control over roofing work, which has improved quality control.
If you are re-roofing and 25% of your roof is to be replaced, it’s compulsory to install insulation to government standards and this requires Building Regulations approval. As such, the cost of insulation and the cost for building notice approval should be factored into the cost of re-roofing. A reputable roofing company such as ours will factor this into your quotes. Lastly, a building control officer will attend the site to check the work, towards the latter end of construction to sign-off the works.
I’ve already started work without approval. What should I do?
A reputable roofing company should advise you on all Building Regulations approval you will require before carrying out work; this is for the clients own good. However, roofing contractors are under no obligation to do so. If you have already started work without approval, then you should fill out a regularisation application as soon as possible. The fees for this will be higher than standard Building Regulations approval. The process will involve a building control officer coming round to inspect the work. If any work has not been or is not thought to comply with regulations, the building officer will request changes to your plans.
How much does Building Regulations approval cost?
Councils set their own prices. However as a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay around £225 for building notice applications including VAT and a regularisation application should cost around £340 including VAT. You can’t pay for this in instalments to always factor this into the cost of re-roofing and be ready to pay for your application to be processed.
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